

Hello people, today i ´m going to talk to you about the future, i don´ t think i´ve told you that i study industrial design, and one of things i like about the career is that you do a lot of research and you can improve things, improve people´s lives.

I would very much like to work independently, have my own desing studio, and do projects to improve services, for example public hospitals, so that the experience patients have is much better, especifically in emergencies. To do this, you have to know the service very well, interact with people and do research to find out how other services operate, so that you know what needs to be changed, improved or eliminated. 

I feel that being able to do something that helps is very satisfying, not only economically but also in terms of personal development. As designers we should be very aware of the country we live in and our  reality, and i know that it´s not the same for everyone, but i think we should always work with the mission of making or improving products and services that collaborate in social development.

One of the things i also want to do is to be able to work in the south of Chile, to collaborate with people in the countryside who have a lot of difficulties because of the distance to buy their products and to be able to design something together with them. And you, what plans or dreams do you have for your future? 


  1. my cousin is a designer and works in a hospital!!!!....

    My dream is to have land to cultivate, anywhere in the world and to belong to a self-sufficient community, where we teach others about it

  2. How interesting and beautiful it sounds to be able to help people in the countryside with good design. It will be a great job!


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