The first (and last) concert of the year

 Hello friends, today i want to write about music, specifically about concerts! Who doesn ´t enjoy going to a concert? I love music, and listening to it and seeing it live is a fantastic experience, to enjoy alone or with friends.

This was a promising year in terms of concerts, i had tickets for 4 concerts! but i only got to go to one, because of the miserable covid pandemic this was  the first and last concert of this year for me, it was at the Disco Blondie in Santiago,  i saw the swedish rock and roll band The Hellacopters, i´ve been listening to the since 2007 and i loved their music from the first time i listened to them, so i was looking forward to this concert.

March 12th was the day chosen by the band to perform in Chile, with my boyfriend we arrived early to reach a good place and buy official merchandise of the band, the concert started with the chilean band Hielo Negro, wich is also one of my favorite bands and they haven´t played in years! so i was pretty excited, and around 22 o ´clock, The Hellacopters came out on stage, with the first chords we all went crazy, the band started with the already classic (and one of my favorites) "Hopeless case of a kid in denial" and played emblematic songs of their repertoire, like "Toys and Flavor", "Before the fall", "Soulseller" and "I´m the band", to finish with the classic "(Gotta ge some action)now!" they played about 90 minutes 

The concert was wonderful, we felt a very good vibe, we drank some beers and went home in uber, we never imagined it would be the last concert of the year. 


  1. Damn Covid! And did you get your money back for the other 3 concerts? Personally, I don't like concerts very much as I generally listen to music when I'm doing something else, although I've been to some concerts that have been unforgettable!

  2. I had never listened to HC until now, but I can understand that feeling that comes from seeing your favorite band at live.

    att: Joaco c:

  3. It's great that you could generate that experience before COVID put everything on hold, I was excited for some concerts of my favorite singers that were coming this year, but I guess I'll have to wait):


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