A country of novels

 Hi guys, welcome to my first blog! Today i wanna talk about a country i would like to visit, of course, when the pandemic ends.

I would like to go to England because most of my favorite creators are from there and the woods are beautiful. One of the first places i would go to is the Chawton village, where is the house of Jane Austen, the fantastic writer of the novel Pride and Prejudice which now is a museum surrounded by beatiful green areas and then go to Haworth in Yorkshire where the sisters Bronte lived, it will be amazing to see the places that inspired and portrayed these great authors. Then travel to Liverpool to see the birthplace of one of the world´s greatest bands, The Beatles and return to London to visit the British museum, Hyde park and visit Camdem Town to buy some souvenirs and look for some nice editions of classic victorian books.

I would like to go  to this journey togheter with my mother, who loves walking and drinking tea, i can imagine us in this places walking, taking pictures, talking all day and stoping for tea, i would choose Early Grey and my mom Chai Tea and we would try the typical english breakfast, but in the vegetarian version.

I hope to do this soon, but for now i will go to read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and dream about the beautiful landscapes. 



  1. England sounds really entertaining place to go! especially if you like to walk and drink tea.. Personally I have never been there and I would love go there someday.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. England is a historical country, in particular it's one of the cradles of popular music like The Beatles (as you said), Yes or Pink Floyd just to mention a few. Anyway, it is the right place to go to learn everything and of course to drink tea sitting on an avenue.


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